
Data Warehouse / Data Mart and Data Lake Design and Implementation

A data warehouse is a collection of organisational data and information that has been extracted from operational and external data sources. The data is periodically pulled from various internal applications like sales, marketing, and finance; customer-interface applications; as well as external partner systems. This data is then made accessible to and analysed by decision-makers.

A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse built to maintain a particular department, region, or business unit. Every business department has a central repository or data mart to store data. The data from the data mart is saved in the ODS on a regular basis. The data is then sent to the EDW by the ODS, where it is stored and used.

Because data that goes into data warehouses needs to go through a strict governance process before it gets stored, adding new data elements to a data warehouse means changing the design, implementing or refactoring structured storage for the data and the corresponding ETL to load the data. With a massive amount of data, this process could require significant time and resources. This is where a data lake concept comes into the picture and becomes a game-changer in big data management.

Application Development

Application development is the process of creating a computer program or a set of programs to perform the different tasks that a business requires. From calculating monthly expenses to scheduling sales reports, applications help businesses automate processes and increase efficiency.

Cloud application development is the process of creating a Cloud-based app. It entails various stages of software development, each of which prepares your app for launch and market acceptance. DevOps practices and tools such as Kubernetes are used by the best Cloud app development teams.


DevOps is a software engineering practice that is suited to cloud computing. In a DevOps environment, developers collaborate with IT operations and other teams to streamline the organization's software development, increase developer productivity, and enhance continuous delivery workflows to deliver software faster.

DevOps helps to automate the whole process using single click build tools that interact with the cloud services and get the tasks done without any errors Squadron technology’s goal of using Devops is Breaking down the communication barriers and other such barriers, creation of cross-functional teams; will help in understanding the other teams' work in real-time which will eventually help in the development of team moral.

Database Design and Performance Optimisation

Database optimization is the strategy of reducing database system response time. The goal of database performance tuning is to minimize the response time of your queries by making the best use of your system resources.

Databases are perhaps the most important component of your enterprise, so eventually optimizing database performance should be a priority from company leadership to database administrators. Squadron technology has the following ways to design and optimize your data:

  • As database servers driving force behind application performance, it is important that they have sufficient hardware and resources at all times.If you are experiencing a longer than normal response time or other performance issues, it may be time to check your CPU, memory, and server disk space.
  • Check whether to upgrade the CPU
  • Allocating more memory to your servers will certainly help optimize database performance

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